
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Best Gift

This year my hubby and I decided that we wouldn't exchange gifts. But I am so glad he didn't listen. He just knew that I would ardore this gift. It is a warm and very soft blanket from Restoration Hardware. I am in LOVE with this blanket.

I love cuddling up with it when I am on the computer. Did I mention its warm and toasty? Heehee..... All I need now is some SNOW!!!!!!!! Not this 60 degree weather we are having.

I am going on a trip next month to visit the snow. OOOPs I mean my friends up in NY and do some scrapping. I think I may have to bring this blanket with me. (wink)

Have a blessed day.

I sought the Lord, and He heard me. —Psalm 34:4

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Pictures

I was reading my friends blog over at . She was commenting on how that was her best shot of her kids. Well, I had to show you what my kids did when I told them to get in front of the tree. So Korleen, you did a pretty good job. I can't get my family to take a serious picture to save their lives. So I have decide to just go with the flow and let them do their thing.

Friday, December 26, 2008

I Found My MOJO

I used lyrics I found on the internet on this page.

The Lighthouse
There's a lighthouse on a hillside
That overlooks life's sea
When I'm tossed, it sends out
A light that I might see
And the light that shines in darkness now
Will safely lead me thru the night
If it wasn't for The Lighthouse
My ship would sail no more.

cho: And I thank God for The Lighthouse
Well, I owe my life to Him
For Jesus is The Lighthouse
And from the rocks I've seen
He has shown a light all around me
That I might clearly see
If it wasn't for The Lighthouse
Tell me where would this ship be.

Here are four more lighhouse layouts. I only have 26 more to go. This year we saw 32 lighthouses. This makes our total 83 lighthouses. I am a bit behind, but I should catch up before we go see anymore.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

I actually took some time today to scrapbook. I looked through my old Christmas pictures and made this memory tree of sorts.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

He did not use a silvery box

Or paper green and red;

God laid His Christmas gift to me

Within a manger bed. —Prentice

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This pitcture was taken down in Louisiana at the New Orleans Baptist Seminary - in the "quad." It remenided me of a Thomas Kinkade painting.

To give meaning to Christmas, give Christ first place in your heart.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Teach a Man.....

Have you ever heard the saying, teach a man to fish he will eat for a lifetime? Well my son is always trying to learn new things. He came home on winter break and wanted to learn how to crochet. So I taught him how to make a scarf. He caught on right away! Look at him go!

I guess he will always be able to make something to keep him warm.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Washington DC

Botanical Gardens near the capital building. This is a miniture replica of the Lincoln Memorial made of all natural materials.
White House taken with my zoom.

Each year we take a trip to Washington DC to look at the decorations. I like living in Maryland because it so close to so many neat places to visit.

Enjoy my pictures from our visit.

Prepare the way for the LORD! Matthew 3:3

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Awsome Lunch


Behind these doors is culinary delight! The church staff was treated to lunch at FOGO DE CHAO Brizilian steakhouse. All I can say is that it was sooooooo good and the service was outstanding.

It is hard to explain how it works. You have a round disc. One side is red the other is green. They have a salad bar unlike any I have seen before. Then you flip your disc to green and you are swarmed by waiters offering you every kind of meat sliced right at the table. When your plate is full flip your card to red and they stop offering it to you. Plus endles side dishes. The service was super! My water glass was never empty and my chair was pulled out and in when ever I got up.

I snapped a few pictures to share. If you ever want a special place to go, I highly recommend this resturant.

Have a blessed day.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Bit of Scrapping!

Last Friday I took out the pages I had planned back in August. I haven't really been in the mood to scrap. I am so far behind in my scrapping. But I wanted get back into the swing of things. So I quickly put these pages together and I wanted to share.

My friend KT has her scrapbooking site back up and running. The link is on the right side of the page. So I am going to join in and try to get my mojo back. Go check out her site. She is have in a 40% off sale on tons of stuff. It is a great group of ladies to get insperation from too!!

Have a marvelous Monday!

He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. --John 14:21

Friday, December 12, 2008

Cookie Chaos

Our church bakes 800 dozen cookies each year to be given out to inmates at local prisons. The youth also take cookies to rest homes to share some Christmas cheer. So this morning I baked around 12 dozen cookies to help them out.

Now I have to get busy with our families cookies. The kids are asking for them early this year.

Have a fantastic FRIDAY!

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given." Isaiah 9:6

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tropical Flora

While in San Diego I was in awe of all the beatiful flowers and trees. I was snapping pictures like crazy. I love my MACRO setting on my camera. It really grabs the details. Enjoy.

Have a blessed day.

Without Christ we can do nothing. With Him we can do everything He wants us to do.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Rainy Day

Since it is such a rainy day here in Maryland, I thought would share some of our pictures from San Diego. In Novemeber we went on a business trip with Michael to California. We spent three day soaking up the sun. We went to the beach, Sea World, visited lighthouses, explored tide pools, played mini golf and did a lot of window shopping. We crammed a lot into those days, but had great fun. Enjoy the pictures!

Stay dry and have a great day.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Over the years I have collected 10 nativity scenes. I guess it began when I wanted to take the focus of Christmas away from the commercialism (Santa, toys, candy...)and put the focus on the real reason for the season.

Like most families, mine knew the real reason for Christmas, but got caught up in presents and Santa. We never led the kids to believe that Santa was real. They were always told he is a fictional character from stories. But with all their friends and outside commercialism, they grew up relating Christmas with Santa and presents.

So now one of the first things I put up every year is our Nativity scenes. So take time during the rush of this Christmas season to remember the REAL reason for the season. The birth of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Forgot .....


Another Before and After

Friday I put up our Christmas tree. Now we have a artifical tree. Live trees cost on average 15 dollars a FOOT! So this tree has paid for its self already. I love how it pops open and all I have to do is fluff the branches.

It is also real big and ALL our ornaments fit on it. No more having to choose which ornaments to put on the tree. We have 25 years of ornaments from all of our world travels.

Have a blessed day.

The star shines forth in its glory bright
To lighten the gloom of earth’s darkest night;
And Calvary’s Christ will still impart
His comfort and love to the needy heart. —Richey

This Christmas, be alert for the work and presence of Jesus.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Before & After

It's time to put up the Christmas decorations. We put up the outside lights on Saturday. Today I put up candles in my windows and then I decorated our mantle with my Christmas Houses. Here is before and after picture of my mantle.

"With a busy calendar of school and church programs, and family obligations, we can still carve out time to "wait on the Lord" and to concentrate on the true meaning of this season. We can determine to make the most of our times of daily Bible reading and prayer, and to give people priority over things."

"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).